Poker Run Rules
1. Cost to participate is $15 to ride the poker ride or walk the trails. Additional hands may be purchased at $5 per hand.
2. Lunch will be available at $5 per plate and will include BBQ, Slaw, Potato Salad, Bread and Dessert.
3. All monies raised go to benefit the U.S. Equine Rescue League horses of the Central Piedmont Region.
4. Participants may be at Diamond R Ranch and ready to ride by 1:00 PM and no later than 3:00 PM.
5. There will be 5 check points. At each check point, one chip will be collected by each registered rider.
6. At the final stop (Registration table/Final stop) all chips will be counted, you must have 5, and you will then draw 5 cards one at a time from a bag containing one full playing card deck (52 cards) without jokers. The playing cards will be returned to the bag.
7. The poker run route must be completed by 4:00 pm including stops.
8. Neither Diamond R Ranch, USERL, nor any organization or individual associated in any way with the "poker run"; assume any liability for any claims which may arise as a result of your participation in this event. Each participant assumes all liability as to the welfare of them selves and their animals.
9. The rule in case of a tie will result in a High Card Draw at the registration booth between the participants involved in the tie.
10. Other rules may be put in place the day of the run at the judges discretion.
11. Announcements will be made prior to the start if anything changes.
12. The following rules will be used to rank the completed score cards. Prizes will be awarded to the two best hands.
Please fill out the registration form below and return it via:
e-mail to Tracy at KXL@PERIGEE.NET or
mail to:USERL, P.O. Box 157, Wingate, NC 28174 or
fax to: 704-624-3564
You do not need to prepay, payment can be made the day of the ride at the registration table.
USERL St. Patrick’s Day Poker Run & Trail Ride
March 15, 2009
City, State, Zip________________________
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