Monday, April 13, 2009

Yard Sale to Benefit the US Equine Rescue League Horses

Saturday - April 25th from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. is our fundraiser YARD SALE!!!!!
It will be held at Iron Horse Motorcycles right off Independence in Monroe, NC.
We are accepting any and all donations for the sale (not limited to horsey stuff! we sell EVERYTHING)
You can drop donations off the morning of the sale.
Be sure to come out and shop for a great cause! There are always some fantastic deals to be found!!!!
We need more volunteers to help out at the sale!

Go out to eat at Township Grill and Help the Horses!!!!

Monday - April 20th from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., the USERL - Central Piedmont will be hosting a fund raiser at Township Grill in Matthews Festival Shopping Center - right off Independence at the intersection of Hwy 74 and Hwy 51.
We still need volunteers to act as servers and hostess for the evening.
25% of all food sales will be donated to the USERL and we get to keep 100% of the tips.
Be sure to invite all of your friends and family out to the event. This is an easy and wonderful fund raiser - great way to help the horses!!!!